expo g a l l e r y : 

SHOP This project is based on the idea that an art gallery should take a more active role in exhibiting its works. After all, why should the gallery always wait for its visitors to come by, why shouldn't it take a step to come closer to them? Why it is not possible to bring art to public places where more people pass by, like meeting places: cafes, cinemas and even streets?
Yoko Yamamoto is one of the most popular doll artists in Japan and she had her exhibition in the gallery sehsaal & expo as first time in Europe last year. For her MOBILEGALLERY concept she uses a wooden box that she installs with the lid open at a 90-degree angle. Inside, at the bottom of the box there are 2 miniature dolls coordinated with her photo works or illustration works as the background (audiences aren't allowed to touch the work).

1st week : 29.10(Mon.) - 04.11(Sun.) restaurant expedit. 1010 wien (Ecke Biber/Wiesingerstrasse)
2nd week : 05.11(Mon.) - 11.11(Sun.) filmcasino. 1040 wien (Margaretenstrasse 78)
3rd week : 12.11(Mon.) - 18.11(Sun.
4th week : 19.11(Mon.) - 25.11(Sun.) give us a call
gallerynight: 21.11.2001 19.00: gallery expo. 1060 wien (luftbadgasse 13)

*There is a possibility that the work might sometimes for some occasions be removed from a site during the designated opening times.