About the Works of Hoeller + Rautter
by Annemarie Valenta
Settlements in border areas are usually surrounded by barrenness. Remote from the much vaunted confines of centralism, people live there in intermediate zones, drawing sustenance from the plurality of influences provided by such surro undings. Stripped of unnecessary embellishment, thoughts and ideas are studied for their simplicity and feasibility and their potential for openess is considered.
Fixed somewhere between architecture, sculpture and painting the installations of RAUTTER + HOE LLER depend on the structures of the rooms the take place in. The accentuating of geometric relationships and the visualization of materialistic and optical irritations should help to bring forth new sensible experiences with room and thought.
The rooms dictate their selection of materials and the media they work with, which may sound prosaic or even trite. The materials consist mostly of articles found, worthless or natural things and of industrially produced objects. The room interpretations of RAUTTER + HOELLER are very fragile compositions and need some attentive communication to confront them - it is easy to change or to destroy their installations with the minimum use of force. The labil balance refers to the carelessness of people and to their treatment of the objects that surround them in their daily lives and their social relationships. Through the installations the space should be seen in a different way. The existing room will be reinterpreted in a removed but equally valid version, which is confronting structures of power and is refusing indifferences in receiving.
"Doubts as a Measure" (PDF)
1989 "Doubts as a Measure" by Annemarie Valenta